THE USE OF OXYGEN IN SKINCARE AND ANTI-AGING TREATMENTS Is oxygen good for the skin? Yes, of course it is. In fact, as we all know, it is absolutely essential! Oxygen makes up about 60% of the human body and is a constituent of all living tissue. Without it, our cells, and the cells of most other forms of animal and plant life, would quickly die. So, isn’t there enough oxygen in the air already? Well, yes and no! Under ideal circumstances we obtain all the oxygen we need via the normal respiratory function of the lungs. The problem is that certain conditions (ageing, respiratory or circulation problems, smoking, pollution, stress) may mean that insufficient oxygen is reaching the body’s cells, especially in the skin, affecting the normal functions of repair and regeneration. Also, oxygen hugely benefits the skin’s healing process and, in the fight against skin congestion, oxygen is absolutely vital. Oxygen is also capable of boosting the skins’ renewal cycle and hydration level.
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